- المقدمة
- السلطة التقديرية الواسعة لدائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة بالولايات المتحدة
- خطوات عليك إتباعها إن تم رفض إستمارة I-485 الخاصة بك (أو أي طلب آخر) بسبب نقص أو خطأ في الوثائق المطلوبة.
- مذكرة إدارة ترامب لسنة 2018 – ملخّص
- تحديث يوم 17 نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني حول مذكرة السلطة التقديرية الواسعة لدائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة بالولايات المتحدة لسنة 2018
- ما الفرق بين طلب تقديم الأدلة (RFE)و الإشعار بنيّة الرفض(NOID)
- ما هي إستمارة I-485 ؟
- الأسباب الأكثر شيوعًا لرفض طلب I-485
- دليل تقديم إستمارة I-29OB، طلب إعادة فتح/إعادة النظر- مثل إستمارة I-485 لطلب تعديل الحالة مرفوضة (في حين تظل استمارة I-130 معلقة)
- أين يتم تقديم إستمارة I-290 B
- كيف يمكن لمحامي هجرة متمرس أن يساعدك في تقديم طلبك بشكل صحيح
أتم إصدار مذكرة إدارة ترامب بنجاح في 11 سبتمبر/أيلول سنة 2018، وهو ما جعل الحصول على البطاقة الخضراء أكثر صعوبة لمقدمي طلبات (I-485)
السلطة التقديرية الواسعة لدائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة بالولايات المتحدة.
توفر الآن دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة الأمريكية خيارين فقط أمام الأشخاص الذين قاموا بتقديم وثيقة إثبات تلقي الدعم المالي أو طلب أو عريضة إلتماس ناقصة أو أو غير كافية. ولا تخضع هذه الخيارات لمعايير يمكن تحديدها.
و يتمثل الخيارين في:
- إعطاء مقدم الطلب فرصة لتعديل الأخطاء من خلال إرسال طلب للحصول على الأدلة (RFE) أو إشعار بنية الرفض (NOID)– و ذلك قبل رفض طلب I-485
- رفض طلب I-485
خطوات عليك اتباعها إن تم رفض طلب I-485 الخاص بك (أو أي طلب أو إستمارة أخرى) بسبب مستندات ووثائق غير سليمة أو مناسبة.
في حال تم رفض طلب I-485:
- إعادة تقديم طلب I-485 و I-765 و-131 و إعادة دفع 1125 دولار كرسوم إيداع أو مبلغ أكبر.
- إيداع إستمارة I-290 B لإعادة فتح/إعادة النظر في طلب I-485 – مقابل 675 دولارا مع تقديم جميع الاستمارات والوثائق المرفقة بشكل صحيح هذه المرة. ويتم ذلك عادة، بمساعدة محامي مختص في مجال الهجرة. و عادةً ما تتم معالجة طلب في ظرف شهرين وإن تم قبوله يتم استئناف القضية من حيث توقفت. حيث تتم إعادة إستمارة و لن تكون هناك حاجة لإعادة القيام بالفحص الطبي. كما يفترض أيضا أن تتم الموافقة على تصريح العمل في وقت قريب إن وافقت دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة على إعادة فتح/إعادة النظر في طلب I-485.و عادة ما يكون طلب إعادة فتح/إعادة النظر أفضل من تقديم طلب جديد كلّيًا بالرغم أنه من ليس هناك دليل يؤكد إعادة النظر من قبل السلطات المعنية حيث أن ضابط دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة هو المسؤول الوحيد على ذلك.
مذكرة إدارة ترامب لسنة 2018 – ملخّص
تم إصدارها بتاريخ 13 يوليو/تموز 2018 و هي تمنح دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة السلطة التقديرية الواسعة في رفض أي طلب من دون إشعار المعني بالأمر بنية الرفض (NOID) أو طلب توفيز الأدلة اللازمة(RFE). و إن تم إصدار طلب (RFE) تزويد أدلة الإثبات اللازمة بإمكانها كذلك إصدار طلب ثاني.
و تم تفعيل و العمل بمذكرة إدارة ترامب بتاريخ 11 سبتمبر/أيلول 2018. و يتم تطبيقها على جميع الطلبات مثل (استمارة I-485) و غيرها.
وتتمثل الأحكام الرئيسية لمذكرة السياسة العامة فيما يلي:
- المعايير السابقة. مذكرة سابقة لعام 2013 تنص على إرسال طلب تزويد الدليل اللازم (RFE) عندما يتطلب الوضع ذلك.و عادة ما يتم إرسال طلب تزويد الدليل (RFE) فقط في حال لم يكن من الممكن تدارك الوضع وتصحيح الخطأ ويعني ذلك أن معظم الطلبات الناقصة أو المعيبة ينتج عنها طلب تزويد دليل (RFE) ما لم هناك سبب مقنع للرفض.
- السلطة التقديرية الكاملة. مذكرة يوليو/تموز 2018 تمنح دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة الأمريكية السلطة التقديرية الكاملة في تحديد مصير الطلب. ويقع العبء على عاتق مقدم الطلب إثبات أهليته – عند تقديم الإستمارة الصحيحة في المرة الأولى التي يتقدم فيها بطلب.
- أسباب التغيير نحو سياسة أكثر صرامة
وتنص مذكرة يوليو/تموز أن سبب اعتماد السياسة الجديدة هو الحد من الطلبات الطائشة و غير الجديّة أو الناقصة و تشجيع مقدمي الطلبات على تزويد والالتماسات على الإلتزام بتقديم الوثائق المطلوبة كاملة و تقديم الدلائل المشروطة و لا يكمن الغرض من هذه المذكرة السياسية في معاقبة مقدمي الطلبات على الأخطاء البريئة أو سوء فهل الأدلة المطلوبة للأهلية وتنص المذكرة على أن السياسة الجديدة “ستسمح لمكتب خدمات الهجرة و المواطنة الأمريكية بتركيز الموارد على تقييم الحالات بدلا من تتبع الأدلة الناقصة.”
الطلبات والالتماسات المستثناة.
لا تنطبق سياسة ترامب على الطلبات والالتماسات المقدمة قبل 11 سبتمبر 2018.مذكرة السياسة العامة لعام 2018 لا تؤثر أيضا على قضايا القرار المؤجل للواصلين أطفالا (DACA)– وبعض الحالات الأخرى المتعلقة باللجوء و اللاجئين و قانون نيكاراغوا للتسوية و الإغاثة بأمريكا الوسطى.
وتشمل بعض الإستمارات المذكورة ضمن مذكرة السياسة العامة التي يمكن رفضها دون طلب تزويد الدليل اللازم (RFE) أو إشعار بنية الرفض (NOID) ما يلي:
- إن تم تقديم استمارة أسرية I-485 غير مرفقة باستمارة I-864 لتأكيد تلقي الدعم المادي بموجب الفرع 213A من قانون الهجرة والجنسية
- إستمارة عريضة التماس I-129 لعامل غير مهاجر H-1B مقدمة من دون أي دليل لإثبات المستوى التعليمي للمستفيد أو خبرته (و يتم فرض مجموعة من الشروط على هذا الالتماس أن يستوفيها من أجل إثبات أهلية و كفاءة المستفيد للحصول على تلك الوظيفة)وتذكر دائرة خدمات الهجرة و المواطنة الأمريكية أن الغرض من هذه المذكرة ليس معاقبة مقدمي الطلبات على أخطاء بريئة و بسيطة أو سوء فهم الأدلة اللازمة لإثبات أهليتهم
لا تسيئوا فهم ذلك، مذكرة 2018 تمثل إجراء سياسي رئيسي جديد يضع طالبي الهجرة تحت رحمة موظفي دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة الأمريكية
كما تشجع مذكرة يوليو/تموز 2018 موظفي دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة الأمريكية الذين اصدروا إشعار بنية الرفض (NOID) أو طلب توفير الأدلة اللازمة(RFE) بتحديد مصير مقدمي الطلبات بناءًا على المعطيات التي تم تقديمها فقط – عوضًا عن طلب تزويد المعلومات الناقصة
ماهو الفرق بين الإشعار بنية الرفض (NOID) و طلب توفير الأدلة اللازمة (RFE)؟
طلب تزويد الأدلة اللازمة (RFE) هو عبارة عن فرصة يتم منحها لمقدّم الطلب من أجل تقديم المعلومات الناقصة – مثل سجل المعطيات و الدخل المادي. أمّا الإشعار بنية الرفض (NOID) فهو عبارة عن رسالة من قبل دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة الأمريكية تشير إلى أن مقدم الطلب لم يقم بتزيد الأدلة الكافية التي تشير إلى أنه مؤهل لأن تتم الموافقة على طلبه – وعلى الرغم من أن الوثائق الأولية تبدو كافية.
أمّا الإشعار بنية الرفض (NOID) فهو عبارة عن رسالة من قبل دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة الأمريكية تشير إلى أن مقدم الطلب لم يقم بتزيد الأدلة الكافية التي تشير إلى أنه مؤهل لأن تتم الموافقة على طلبه – وعلى الرغم من أن الوثائق الأولية تبدو كافية.
ما هي استمارة I-485؟
و حسب موقع الهجرة المباشرة فإن استمارة I-485
طلب تسجيل الإقامة الدائمة أو تعديل الوضع هي وثيقة
من دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة يستخدمها مقدمو الطلبات لتغيير وضعهم كمهاجرين إلى مقيمين دائمين. ويمكن لمقدمي الطلبات الذين دخلوا الولايات المتحدة من بصفة قانونية أن يتقدموا بطلب رسمي بهذا الهدف حسب معايير مختلفة ، بما في ذلك
إلتماس من قبل مواطن أمريكي لقريب من أجل أن يصبح مقيمًا دائمًا قانونيًا بالولايات المتحدةالتماس من قبل مواطن أمريكي بأن يصبح أحد أقاربه المباشرين مقيمًا دائمًا قانونيًاالحصول على صفة مقيم دائم شرعي (حامل البطاقة الخضراء) من خلال عرض عملالحصول على صفة مقيم دائم شرعي (حامل البطاقة الخضراء) عن طريق اللجوءمؤهلات الحصول على البطاقة الخضراء |
أكثر الأسباب شيوعًا لرفض طلب I-485
وتشمل بعض الأسباب التي قد تؤدي إلى رفض طلبك ما يلي:
- الفشل في فحصك الطبي. ويشمل ذلك عدم وجود معلومات لازمة مثل عدم تقديم الوثائق التي تثبت تلقيك اللقاحات اللازمة.
- بعض الانتهاكات و المخالفات الإجرامية.
- انتهاكات الهجرة مثل الدخول غير المشروع أو إساءة استعمال إجراءات التأشيرات
- عدم الامتثال لمتطلبات تقديم الطلب وذلك هو السبب الرئيسي الذي من شأنه أن يؤدي إلى تلقي إشعار بنية الرفض (NOID)– أو طلب توفير الأدلة اللازمة (RFE)
ولكن قد يتسبب الآن في رفض الطلب. يتعين على مقدمي الطلبات أن
دليل تقديم إستمارة I-29OB، طلب إعادة فتح/إعادة النظر- مثل إستمارة I-485 لطلب تعديل الحالة مرفوضة (في حين تظل استمارة I-130 معلقة)
إن تم رفض طلب I-485 الخاص بك و لم يتم منحك فرصة لإصلاح أو تزودي المعطيات الناقصة عبر طلب أو إذًا بإمكانك تقديم تقديم إستمارة I-290B، لكي تطلب من دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة إعادة فتح/إعادة النظر في ملفّك – ذلك و إن كانت استمارة ىء130 الخاصة بك لا تزال معلقة. وتمثل استمارة I-130 عريضة التماس لقريب أجنبي
إستمارة I-290B قد تكون متاحة لطلبات أخرى تتعلق بالإقامة الدائمة و ذلك وفقًا دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة – والتي يمكن لمحامي الهجرة الخاص بك تفسيرها.
وعمومًا، عليك تقديم طلب I-290B في غضون 30 يوما من تلقي الإشعار بالرفض مرفقًا برسوم الإيداع المطلوبة.
أين يتم تقديم استمارة I-290 B ؟
ينبغي إيداع الاستمارة في العنوان المناسب المدرج ضمن قائمة العناوين لإيداع الملفات المباشرة المتعلقة باستمارة
تحت صفحة الإشعار بالاستئناف أو الإستمارات
و لا يجب تقديم هذه الاستمارة مباشرة عند مكتب الاستئناف الإداري.
كيف يمكن لمحامي الهجرة المختص أن يساعدك في تقديم طلبك بشكل صحيح
تمنح مذكرة ترامب دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة السلطة التقديرية التامة في تحديد مصير طلبك للحصول على الإقامة الدائمة بصفة شرعية أم لا. و قد تقوم دائرة خدمات الهجرة والمواطنة برفض طلبك لأي سبب كان. و بإمكانها رفض طلبك إن كانت تنقصه معلومة معيّنة أو إن لم يتم تقديمه بالطريقة الصحيحة.
و يقوم المحامي المختص بمساعدة كل من الكفلاء و المهاجرين:
تقديم الاستمارات الصحيحةتعديل و ملء الاستمارات بشكل صحيحتوفير كل الوثائق اللازمةتقديم جميع الاستمارات والوثائق في الوقت المناسبمعالجة مجموعة من المسائل القانونية والعملية المتعلقة بالهجرة |
- Introduction
- Biden’s Promises
- What He’s Up Against The US Immigration Law System
- Immigration Priorities for the Biden Administration
- Repeal the “Muslim ban”
- Stop the construction of the border wall
- Preserve and fortify DACA
- Re-open the door for refugees
- Restore Humanity to the Asylum Process
- De-target Undocumented Immigrants
- Back away from “prison for profit”
- Rescind the new “public charge” rule
- Revitalize employment-based immigration
- Rescind the rule limiting the period of stay for international students
- Processing the Backlog
- Comprehensive Immigration Reform
The past four years haven’t been the best time for people who wish to immigrate to or even visit the United States. The Trump administration, as predicted, turned out to be perhaps the most immigration-hostile administration in US history. With the election of Joe Biden, however, things look to change dramatically. Unfortunately, some of these changes will take time to implement.
Biden’s Promises
The totality of Biden’s plans to reform US immigration law and policy is not altogether clear — it must be derived from statements made and publications issued during his campaign. Biden has, however, promised to:
- Enact comprehensive immigration reform within his first 100 days in office. This is a task much easier said than done, even if the Democrats manage to win control of the Senate.
- Stop building the border wall.
- Rescind the “Muslin ban”.
- Re-institute DACA, and allow beneficiaries to receive federally guaranteed student loans.
- End the “Remain in Mexico” policy.
- Revoke the new public charge rules.
- Raise the refugee ceiling from 18,000 to 125,000.
- Fast-track citizenship for agricultural workers.
- Raise the H-1B visa quota.
- Eliminate country-based quotas in employment visas.
- Provide a roadmap to citizenship for undocumented migrants currently in the US (subject to tax payment and submission to background checks).
- Offer a “startup visa” for foreign entrepreneurs (possibly).
The foregoing is only a partial list of immigration-related promises made by Biden, either verbally or in written documents.
What He’s Up Against: The US Immigration Law System
Unfortunately, even the President of the United States is not a fairy godmother who can simply wave a magic wand and make all the bad stuff go away. Biden can accomplish some of his immigration goals immediately, but others will take time to implement.
The skeleton of the US immigration law system is based on statutes passed by both houses of Congress. These statutes remain in force until they are repealed or modified by both houses of Congress, a prospect that may be unlikely if Republicans maintain control of the Senate. Statutes, however, provide only rough guidelines to immigration policy.
The next level down is immigration regulations. Immigration regulations must be based on a statute, and they cannot be inconsistent with the statute. Regulations typically provide more detail by “filling in the blanks” left by the vague statutory language. Regulations are passed by regulatory agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, the officers of which are appointed by the President. Changing regulations typically takes several months.
Policies are essentially executive branch interpretations of the meaning of immigration regulations. Policies can be changed more quickly than regulations can. In fact, many of them can be changed immediately, although in some cases prudence dictates a period of preparation before any changes are finalized.
Immigration Reform Goals: Four Different Kinds
Given the foregoing legal superstructure, Biden’s immigration reform goals can be divided into four categories:
- Goals that can be accomplished with the stroke of a pen. Most of these goals are policy goals that can be accomplished simply by issuing an executive order that repeals an executive order issued by the Trump administration. A good example of this would be the revocation of the new public charge rules. All told, Donald Trump issued over 400 executive orders and actions.
- Goals that can be accomplished with the stroke of a pen plus a backup plan. An example of this would be the “Remain in Mexico” policy, that could be done, but would not be feasible to implement with nothing more than the stroke of a pen.
- Goals that require the implementation of entirely new regulations or the repeal of old ones.
- Goals that require congressional approval by both houses of Congress.
Immigration Priorities for the Biden Administration
Everything cannot be done at once. The following suggested immigration agenda attempts to strike a balance between handling the most urgent problems (asylum seekers at our southern border, for example) and the most important problems (repairing the H-1B program, for example).
Repeal the “Muslim ban”
Because the President enjoys such broad authority over immigration, Biden will probably need to do nothing more than issue an executive order repealing the Muslim ban in order to make it happen. What he cannot do, of course, is undo the damage that has already been done by delaying the entry of people from these countries for so long.
Stop the Construction of the Border Wall
Biden has pledged to follow a “not another brick” policy concerning Trump’s border wall. Congress is normally responsible for funding such an undertaking anyway, and Trump took advantage of financial sleight-of-hand (shifting already-approved funds from one purpose to another) to build as much of the wall as he’s been able to so far.
Nevertheless, the Trump administration committed the federal government to construction contracts, thereby typing Biden’s hands for some sections of the wall. For this reason, it is unlikely that Biden will be able to immediately stop building the border wall. Additionally, don’t expect a Biden administration to tear down any already-constructed structures.
Re-open the Mexican border
It is possible that Biden would hesitate before fully re-opening the US border with Mexico, due to COVID-19 concerns. Another possible barrier might be Mexico’s own reluctance to open its side of the border to land traffic, which could trigger a reciprocal response from the US. If widespread vaccination leads to herd immunity, however, the COVID-19 issue would become moot. We would need more than a functioning border to assist Central American migrants, however.
Preserve and fortify DACA
Biden can, of course, revive DACA by issuing an executive order and thereby prevent ICE from rounding up and deporting childhood arrivals. Biden also plans to allow DACA beneficiaries to work in the US and to obtain federally guaranteed student loans. No regulatory hurdles stand in his way. Not many political hurdles await either since DACA beneficiaries are viewed with sympathy by most Americans.
Re-open the Door for Refugees
Biden has pledged to raise the refugee ceiling to an all-time high of 125,000 refugees per year. The practical bottleneck that prevents this policy from becoming a “stroke of the pen” decision is the ability to resettle these refugees in the United States. Although a number of aid organizations specialize in this task, it may be a while before they possess the resources to accommodate such a sudden increase in the number of refugees allowed into the United States.
Restore humanity to the Asylum Process
Asylum is one area of immigration law that human rights activists are eager to see the change immediately — yet it is one of these areas where swift change is likely to be impossible.
Tens of thousands of asylum seekers wait along the Mexican side of the Rio Grande River to be allowed into the US in response to the “Remain in Mexico” policy, while their asylum claims inch forward in US immigration courts.
These camps are marked by high crime rates, near-universal squalor, kidnappings, financial exploitation by criminal gangs, shortages of basic necessities, and contaminated food and water. Would-be asylees have no security because they have no legal status — even their makeshift tents can be removed at any moment by Mexican authorities.
The problem with allowing these people into the United States all at once is the same as the problem with raising the refugee quota — the sudden influx of so many asylum seekers, who took months to gather, would likely overwhelm the ability of the US immigration system to handle them. The Biden administration will need to build and fortify a system of housing these asylees and processing their asylum applications within a reasonable time.
De-target Undocumented Immigrants
In January 2017, five days after his inauguration, Trump signed an executive order that put all undocumented immigrants in the crosshairs of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) by rendering all of them subject to arrest for immigration violations alone.
This represented a change from the Obama-era policy, which prioritized undocumented immigrants with criminal records other than mere immigration violations.
In contrast with Obama administration policies, the Trump administration also conducted numerous worksite raids. The practice of indiscriminate targeting undocumented immigrants can easily be ended with the stroke of a pen — all Biden has to do is issue an executive order re-establishing Obama era enforcement priorities.
Undocumented immigrants would still be subject to arrest under US law, but they would be unlikely to be targeted or apprehended unless they had criminal records.
Back away from “prison for profit”
On the same day that he issued the executive order targeting non-criminal undocumented immigrants, Trump also ordered Homeland Security to increase the space available in immigration detention centers by adding more facilities.
This order inevitably led to the expansion of the use of privately-run, for-profit prisons to house undocumented immigrants.
Given the for-profit nature of these centers combined with the helpless state of the inmates and the hostile attitude of the Trump administration, it is no surprise that reports of abuse and neglect have become widespread. Biden himself has wisely stated, “No business should profit from the suffering of desperate people fleeing violence.”
Change will come slowly
Nevertheless, this egregious human rights violation is likely to turn out to be one of the most intractable, because the federal government has already entered into long-term contracts with private prison companies.
Some of these contracts will be valid for the next 15 years. In fact, most prisoners held by ICE are held in either private prisons or state and local jails. Dropping the private prisons would require ICE to release thousands of detainees.
What Biden can do is stop signing new private prison contracts and institute new policies that de-emphasize detention as a remedy. Canceling existing private prison contracts would be difficult and would probably require congressional approval.
Rescind the new “public charge” rule
Safeguards have long been in place to prevent new immigrants from becoming financial burdens on US taxpayers, or “public charges.” What the Trump administration did was to greatly expand the definition of “public charge” and make it more difficult to avoid this designation.
Anyone deemed likely to become a public charge will be declared inadmissible to the United States, even if they have already entered the country.
On November 2, 2020, the day before the presidential election, the new public charge rule was vacated nationwide by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.
Since the ruling did not come from the Supreme Court, however, it can be appealed, leaving people who qualified for immigration under the old public charge rule, but not under the new one, in a state of limbo.
What Biden can do is to keep an eye on developments within the judiciary while preparing to repeal the regulation in case the new public charge rule is ultimately upheld. Repealing a regulation takes more than an executive order, however — several months are required, including a public comment period.
Revitalize employment-based Immigration
Most experts agree that the Trump administration’s hostility towards employment-based immigration results in net harm to the US economy. While countries like Singapore and India complain of “brain drain”, the US under Trump has been rejecting the visa applications of highly skilled workers from some of these same countries.
H-1B visas are subject to an annual quota, and Biden has promised to raise the quota. He has also promised to end country-based limits on the issuance of employment-based immigration visas, a practice that has resulted in many Indian tech wizards being forced to wait decades for green cards.
The election of Kamala Harris, who is half-Indian, as Vice President, will no doubt exert a positive impact on this process.
The most immediate impact that the Biden administration can exert is to dramatically lower the current 29 percent rejection rate for initial H-1B visa applications (up from 6 percent in 2015).
Biden can also reverse course on several Trump administration initiatives designed to hobble the H-1B program such as ending the H-1B lottery, inflating H-1B salaries to increase employer reluctance to hire, and changing the definition of “specialty occupation” to make qualifying for H-1B status more difficult.
Rescind the Rule limiting the period of stay for International Students
Despite the fact that 75 percent of full-time graduate students in key technology fields at U.S. universities come from abroad, and the fact that immigration to the US remains popular among international students, the Trump administration has been seeking to make it difficult for international students to work in the US after they graduate.
One of the ways in which the Trump administration has been trying to block international students from working in the US is by trying to pass a regulation that would limit the period of stay for international students.
If the regulation passes before Inauguration Day, then Biden would need to make time-consuming regulatory changes to repeal this policy.
Processing the Backlog
Under the Trump administration’s various obstructionist policies, both the USCIS and the State Department have built up tremendous backlogs for visas and other immigration benefits.
There is no quick way to burn through the backlog — even hiring new USCIS and State Department personnel might only speed things up from “very slow” to “fairly slow.” Indeed, some of these backlogs might not be cleared up before the next presidential election in 2024.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform
A comprehensive immigration reform bill would be much more far-reaching than the piecemeal approach described above. Such legislation might get us a roadmap to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, a “startup visa”, and many more innovations. Comprehensive immigration reform, however, would have to make it through both houses of Congress, a prospect that appears unlikely as long as Republicans control the Senate.
Although not every college and university in Ohio have established a special office dedicated to serving international students, many have done so. The following are descriptions of the activities of the international student offices at some of those universities.
Ohio State University
The total faculty and staff at The Ohio State University numbers over 65,000, making it the largest university in the US in terms of population on a single campus.
The university hosts over 6,000 international students and The Ohio State University Office of International Affairs is responsible for assisting this community. If you are an international student at The Ohio State University, the Office of International Affairs’ job is to make you feel at home.
In addition to serving international students, the Office of International Affairs serves the wider student community (including international students) by developing study abroad and international exchange programs, and by offering grants and scholarships for research abroad.
The Office of International Affairs has even begun opening offices abroad.
Capital University
About 100 international students from around two dozen countries are enrolled at Capital University. The Capital University Center for Global Education advises and assists these students in adjusting to the US and campus life.
The Center for Global Education is also responsible for developing study abroad programs for both US and international students, and for organizing international exchange events, and it arranges for the transfer of faculty between Capital and universities located overseas.
The office is open from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. You can also meet with our staff for a special appointment if you make arrangements in advance.
Franklin University
Franklin University hosted about 300 international students from over 70 countries. It serves its international students through the Franklin University Office of International Students and Programs (OISP).
“International students” includes (i) students whose presence in the US is based on a non-immigrant visa such as an F visa (ii) online international students, and (iii) any student who takes part in one of the OISP’s international cooperation programs. The OISP also helps prospective students navigate the admissions process.
Franklin University highly values its international students because they provide a unique perspective. As an international student at Franklin University, you will also be exposed to a unique perspective — most of the American students hold full-time jobs and squeeze in classes when they can.
Ashland University
Ashland University hoists several hundred international students from about 30 different countries. Its International Student Services (ISS) publishes an International Student Guidebook that touches on just about every major topic that is of special concern to international students including bank accounts, health insurance, and apartment leases, among other topics.
Columbus State Community College offers International Student Services (ISS) to its international, DACA, and immigrant students. It also issues a periodic International Student Newsletter for its relatively small international student community.
Columbus State Community College’s international student services aim to preserve a supportive and healthy environment for its international community, as well as to provide vital support services such as admissions advice.
Devry University Columbus
Devry University, a national university with one of its campuses located in Columbia, offers its Devry University Columbus International Student Programs deal with the needs of international students.
Ohio universities located outside of Columbus that offer International Student Services include the following institutions, among others:
Contact your immigration lawyer in Columbus, Ohio should you have any questions and read more information about immigration in Columbus now.
Chicago is home to a tremendous variety of ethnic groups. It should be no surprise, then, that a great number of diverse ethnic media outlets have arisen. These outlets provide valuable information to various immigrant communities via newspapers, radio, TV, and the Internet, among other forms of media.
Ethnic Media in Chicago
Bulgaria Weekly
The Bulgaria Weekly is, as its name indicates, a weekly newspaper aimed at Chicago’s Bulgarian population. It was established in 2001 as Bulgaria’s first independent newspaper in Chicago. The publication attempts to reflect various aspects of life from the perspective of Bulgarians, Americans, and the world at large. In addition to the print version, the online edition can be found on the website.
Panamericano Hoy
Panamericano Hoy is a publication that focuses on building a positive image of Chicago’s Latinos, particularly Columbians, and fostering good relations between Latinos and other ethnic communities. The print version is distributed free of charge at various locations in Greater Chicago. The Internet version can be found on the website.
Chicago Jewish News
The Chicago Jewish News was founded in 1994 by Joseph Aaron, the publication’s first editor-in-chief. Quite naturally, it is focused on serving Chicago’s sizable Jewish population. Journalistically, it is well-respected — in fact, in 2015 it won the Simon Rockower Award for excellence in Jewish journalism in two different categories The newspaper’s circulation is approximately 40,000.
Muslim Journal
The Muslim Journal is an online magazine that covers business, culture, education, health, international affairs, national news, politics religion, science, sports, and technology from a Muslim perspective.
Russian Chicago
Russian Chicago was founded in Chicago in 1999 as the first Russian community website in Chicago. Its core business is as an online magazine designed to connect local ethnic communities to Chicago’s mainstream without sacrificing any group’s cultural heritage. In the pursuit of both of these seemingly contradictory ends, Russian Chicago seeks to create opportunities for cultural exchange.
Since 1999, Russian Chicago has become one of the most well-known Russian media outlets to be found anywhere in North America. Currently, Russian Chicago operates publishing, advertising, broadcasting, event management, TV, and video businesses.
Vashe Radio
Vashe Radio is a Russian language radio program that has been broadcasting in Chicago since 1995, on WSBC Chicago at AM1240. It is easily the most popular Russian language radio program in Chicago, largely due to programming that combines entertainment, news, “reality” programming, and original content.
Over the Internet and mobile, Vashe Radio broadcasts 24 hours a day. Its studio is located in the Chicago suburb of Skokie, Illinois, and its target audience is Russian-Americans between the ages of 22 and 49.
ASEAN Tribune
The ASEAN Tribune is an online regional news publication for Southeast Asians. Although it is not headquartered in Chicago, it is popular among Chicago’s large Southeast Asian community. The member countries of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) include Brunei Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
WOJO 105. 1 FM- La Que Buena
La Que Buena is a music-oriented radio station that is aimed at a Mexican-American audience. Its format includes classical, traditional, and alternative Mexican music. La Que Buena not only plays popular hits and old standards, but it also prides itself on playing music by new or unknown artists, in order to open doors for the entry of new talent into the market. You can find La Que Buena at 105.1 FM in Chicago.
The foregoing represents only a small fraction of the ethnic media outlets available in Chicago. Some forms of media, such as ethnic bookstores, were not listed above — but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
Contact your immigration lawyer in Chicago, Illinois should you have any questions and read more information about immigration in Chicago now.
Before you can be issued a green card in the US, you will probably need to submit to a medical exam performed by a doctor who has been approved by the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). The USCIS refers to these doctors as “civil surgeons”, and a partial list of them appears below. The doctor will be mainly looking for the presence of a serious communicable disease, some of which can result in the denial of your green card application.
You can look for a civil surgeon anywhere in the United States by starting from the USCIS “Find a Doctor” web page and punching in your desired search location. If you are applying for an immigration visa from overseas and coming to Columbus once your permanent residence application is approved, you will probably need to submit to a medical exam performed by a panel physician approved by the US state department.
What to Bring With You to the Green Card Medical Exams?
You will need to bring the following items with you to the exam:
- Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record;
- A government-issued ID;
- Your vaccination record, if you have ever been vaccinated;
- Proof of insurance; and
- Payment. Expect to be charged at least $300 for the exam; prices vary from doctor to doctor.
The doctor will review your medical history, perform a physical exam, and complete USCIS Form I-693.
If You are HIV Positive
You don’t need to worry that your green card application will be turned down simply because you tested positive for HIV. A few years ago the US government removed HIV from the list of diseases for which a prospective immigrant can be excluded from the United States.
Following is a partial list of USCIS-approved physicians civil surgeons in the Columbus, Ohio area.
Dr. Yaw Ayesu–Offei
Dr. Ayesu–Offei specializes in Internal Medicine and has been practicing medicine since 1992.
Address: 1570 Cleveland Avenue, Suite 1, Columbus OH 43211
Phone: (614) 291-5657
Dr. Mary Wynd
Dr. Wynd practices Family Medicine and has been practicing medicine since 1985.
Address: 1581 Dodd Dr., Suite 301, Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: (614) 688-6492
Dr. Mohamed Hashi
Dr. Hashii specializes in Family Medicine and has been practicing medicine for more than two decades.
Address: 2330 Morse Rd., Suite A Columbus, OH 43229
Phone: (614) 428-8100
Dr. Oman Awale
Dr. Ayesu–Offei specializes in Family Medicine and has been practicing medicine for more than two decades.
Address: 2330 Morse Rd., Suite A Columbus, OH 43229
Phone: (614) 428-8100
Dr. Blayre Tuggle
Dr. Tuggle specializes in Internal Medicine and has been practicing medicine since 1982.
Address: 909 Morse Rd. Columbus, OH 43229
Phone: (614) 261-8188
Dr. Mazhar Hussain
Dr. Hussain specializes in Internal Medicine and has been practicing medicine for more than 30 years.
Address: 5059 North High St. Columbus, OH 43214
Phone: (614) 987-7537
Dr. Winnie Moazampour
Dr. Moazampour specializes in Family Medicine and has been practicing medicine for over 20 years.
Address: 4701 Olentangy River Road Suite 1, Columbus, OH 43214
Phone: (614) 818-1477
Dr. Feng Chen
Dr. Chen specializes in Internal Medicine and has been practicing medicine since 1982.
Address: 4845 Knightsbridge Boulevard Suite 210, Columbus, OH 43214
Phone: (614) 273-0480
Dr. Maria Soto
Dr. Soto specializes in Family Medicine and has been practicing medicine for more than 25 years.
Address: 1365 Bethel Road, Columbus, OH 43220
Phone: (614) 457-5477
Dr. Ronald Bloomfield
Dr. Soto specializes in Internal Medicine and has been practicing medicine for 35 years
Address: 1880 MacKenzie Drive Suite 210 Columbus, OH 43220
Phone: (614) 224-9052
Once You Complete the Exam
After your examination is completed, you will be given a completed Form I-693 in a sealed envelope. Do not break the seal, and include the envelope with your green card application package.
Contact your immigration lawyer in Columbus, Ohio should you have any questions and read more information about immigration in Columbus now.
Chicago is home to a multitude of nonprofit organizations that are either dedicated to serving the needs of immigrants, or include such services as part of their operations. A small sampling of such organizations, including a brief description of their operations, appears below:
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights‘ mission is to help immigrants and refugees attain full and equal participation in the civic, cultural, social, and political life of the United States. ICIRR assists immigrants and refugees with:
- Healthcare access;
- Voter registration;
- Changes in immigration law and policy;
- Access to public benefits, including SNAP benefits (“food stamps”);
- Referrals to legal, ministry, and social services; and
- Access to higher education
Chicago-Kent College of Law Immigration Clinic
The Chicago-Kent College of Law is an accredited, stand-alone graduate-level law school whose graduates can be found throughout the legal profession in Illinois and beyond. The Law Group Immigration Clinic represents individuals and families in family-based immigration, humanitarian relief, and deportation defense removal defense throughout the United States. Consultations cost $50.00 per case. If one of our attorneys agrees to represent you, his or her services will be priced at below-market, flat-fee rates.
Chinese Mutual Aid Association (CMAA)
The CMAA’s Citizenship and Immigration Program helps immigrants transition into US citizens who make active contributions to their communities. The CMAA provides low-cost immigration services for immigrants from all over the world, not only China.
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
The Council on American-Islamic Relations maintains office throughout the United States, including Chicago. CAIR-Chicago actively works with immigrants in insecure status, such as refugees, to help them attain permanent immigration status in the US. CAIR’s Civil Rights Department is particularly focused on asylum applications for refugees who come from high-crime or war-torn regions. Asylum applicants are typically from Syria and Egypt) and include many white-collar workers.
Indo-American Center
The Indo-American Center provides a wide variety of immigration-related services in English, Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati and Punjabi. The Center heps immigrants complete forms, file them with the USCIS, register, and represent them before the Board of Immigration Appeals if their petitions are rejected and they decide to appeal.
The Center also offers citizenship classes, English language classes, and referrals to sources of public benefits such as Social Security. For all services, representation is discretionary, and at least a nominal fee is charged
Justice for Our Neighbors
Justice for Our Neighbors is an immigration ministry established by the Methodist Church. It provides free or low-cost immigration law services to low-income immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees.
National Immigrant Justice Center
The National Immigrant Justice Center provides free legal information to people without an attorney who is scheduled to appear before the Chicago Immigration Court. The Center places special emphasis on helping immigrants who entered the US as unaccompanied minors.
The Center also takes a special interest in providing legal services to gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender immigrants and immigrants who have tested HIV positive. The Center also provides free legal representation to asylum seekers who fear persecution if they return home.
Pan-African Association
The mission of the Pan-African Association is to promote the integration of immigrants, refugees, and asylees, especially those from Africa. It aims to help Chicago’s refugees and immigrants come together as a close-knit support group.
The Pan-African Association provides mentorships, workshops, and support groups. The Association seeks to build connections between refugees and Chicagoans while at the same time maintaining their native cultural heritage.
Polish-American Association
It is commonly said, perhaps not without justification, that Chicago is home to more Polish people than any city in the world except Warsaw. The Polish-American Association seeks to represent and assist Poles living in Chicago.
Its migration service department was established in 1985 and currently serves hundreds of clients every month. These services include:
- N-400 citizenship applications;
- Applications for permanent residence;
- Applications to immigrate family members in Poland;
- Student visas;
- General immigration assistance;
- Document translation; and
- Notarial services
The Polish-American Association is licensed to perform immigration services by the city of Chicago.
Refugee One
RefugeeOne is dedicated to assisting refugees to the United States by providing them with survival skills as well as a full range of interrelated services including resettlement, ESK training, workforce development, mental health services, and job skills services.
Contact your immigration lawyer in Chicago, Illinois should you have any questions and read more information about immigration in Chicago now.
The Northland area of Columbus, Ohio is composed of about 25 individual neighborhoods bounded by Cleveland Avenue, Karl Road, Busch Boulevard, Dublin-Granville Road and Morse Road.
For a long time now the area has been known as an economically struggling area. That perception, as well as the reality behind it, has started to change in recent years as Columbus’s immigrant entrepreneurs revitalize the area.
Times Past: The Decline and Fall of the Northland Area
The Northland area was a boomtown in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s — the 25 square mile zone was a popular shopping and dining destination. Its centerpiece, the Northland Mall on Morse Road, was a popular open-air shopping center in the 1960s that became a mall in 1975 when the entire area was enclosed.
Northland remained popular until the late 1990s when catastrophe struck in the form of a one-two-three combination that floored the Northland Mall. The first blow was the opening of The Mall at Turtle Crossing in 1997. The second blow was the opening of the Easton Town Center in 1999. The death blow was the opening of Polaris Fashion Place in 2001.
The Mall Falls
With shoppers heading elsewhere, Lazarus, Sears, and JCPenney all abandoned the Northland Mall. When it finally closed in 2002, it took almost the entire Northland economy with it. Northland became a place to avoid — a ghost town of high crime and boarded-up storefronts.
Only a few small businesses dared to remain in the area, a disproportionate percentage of which were immigrant- or refugee-owned. Click here to see the roller-coaster history of the Northland Mall in photographs.
The City Steps In – and Out
Afraid that the area would soon become a dystopian no-man’s land where even the police feared to tread, the City of Columbus tried to help. Grants were distributed, tax incentives were instituted, and special commissions were created.
None of this assistance made any decisive difference. Nevertheless, Northland’s economy continued to sputter along, due mainly to the efforts of immigrant entrepreneurs.
Even as the Northland Mall was closing, immigrants and refugees were opening up small shops and restaurants along Morse Road. A group of Somali refugees opened up the Global Mall only 5 blocks away from the old mall site. It was these developments that provided the Northland area with its economic lifeline during its darkest days. Over the past few years, however, Northland’s recovery has been picking up steam.
The Contribution of the Local Refugee Community
A lot of Northland’s growing economic vitality can be attributed to the entrepreneurial energy provided by the local refugee community.
The Columbus refugee community is large and diverse, with thousands of Somalians sharing the city with the nation’s largest group of Bhutanese-Nepali refugees. Many shop owners have spent years in refugee camps overseas, where they opened in-camp shops and built strong business skills. Live casino games are extremely common right now in Canada. They can be played on almost every casino site. Casino specialists have made a post about live dealer casino games and explained important aspects of them.
If you want to witness the local source of this economic energy, visit the Jubba Value Center Mall, for example, where numerous Somali entrepreneurs have opened up thriving shops.
Keep in mind that almost all of the new prosperity that you will see in Northland these days was built by independent-minded refugees, who relied on their own skills rather than on government aid.
Enter “Elevate Northland”
By 2018, the rest of Columbus was taking notice of Northland’s immigrant-driven economic miracle, and outside help started coming in again Elevate Northland, a community development corporation, was formed that year to open doors to public and private funding.
Traditionally, community development corporations have been used to solve housing problems. Elevate Northland, however, is dedicated to developing small businesses and sparking tourism.
The vision of Elevate Northland, as well as of many of the immigrant entrepreneurs that power the area’s economy, is to help turn Northland into an international district so that ethnic restaurants and shops located there will draw tourists (and money) from elsewhere in Cleveland as well as out of town.
The Results — So Far
The statistics are unequivocal — citywide, immigrant entrepreneurship rose by 41.5 percent between 2007 and 2012 alone, just as the Northland revival was picking up steam. By contrast, native-born entrepreneurship declined by about 1.2 percent during the same period. Since then, immigrant entrepreneurship continues to greatly outpace native-born entrepreneurship.
Meanwhile, the refugee community alone (not including other immigrants) has opened over 900 businesses in Columbus, which businesses collectively employ over 20,000 people.
Who would have thought that business skills homed in the harsh refugee camps of Bhutan and Nepal would redound to the economic and cultural benefit of the people of Columbus, Ohio? Although only time will tell how far the miracle will go, the reasons for optimism are piling up.
Contact your immigration lawyer in Columbus, Ohio should you have any questions and read more information about immigration in Columbus now.
The Chicago Immigration Court is one of 58 immigration courts in the United States and, unsurprisingly, it is one of the busiest. Like all US immigration courts, it is subject to the authority of the Office of the Chief Immigration Judge. The judgments of the Chicago Immigration Court can be overturned by a successful appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals. The Chicago Immigration Court is part of the Executive Office of Immigration Review.
What Does the Court Do?
An immigration court is a court in which immigration judges conduct removal (deportation) proceedings, decide on claims for asylum, and perform certain other immigration-related activities. The Chicago Immigration Court has no jurisdiction over criminal offenses committed by immigrants, including illegal entry to the United States — that is the responsibility of the criminal justice system.
Contact Details
The Chicago Immmigration Court’s address is 525 W Van Buren St, Suite 500, Chicago, IL 60607. Its normal working hours run from 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday. The window, however, does not open until 8:30 and closes for lunch between 12 and 12:30 pm. The Court can be reached by telephone at 312-697-5800.
Keep in mind that opening hours, in-person hearings and telephone access have been drastically affected by the Covid-19 crisis, and that the situation is changing rapidly.
Key Personnel
The Chicago Immigration Court employs 14 immigration judges, including Assistant Chief Immigration Judge Sheila McNulty and 13 other immigration judges:
- Samuel B. Cole
- Kathryn De Angelis
- Craig A. Defore
- Eliza Klein
- Michael P. Klosowsky
- Elizabeth G. Lang
- Joshua D. Luskin
- Patrick M. McKenna
- Samia Naseem
- Jennifer I. Peyton
- Rob Rosche
- Kaarina Salovaara
- Eva S. Saltzman
The Acting Court Administrator is Glenda Viray.
Your Constitutional Rights as an Immigrant
You don’t have to be a US citizen or a permanent resident to enjoy certain basic constitutional rights. The 14th Amendment “due process” and “equal protection” rights apply to all persons, not only Americans.
Normally, the 14th Amendment means that when charged with immigration violations, you are entitled to a hearing before an immigration judge (but see below for the “expedited removal” exception). If you are expected to appear in immigration court, you will be presented with Form I-862, Notice to Appear, which will include all of the charges against you.
Right to an Attorney
If you are charged with a criminal offense, you have the right to representation by an attorney even if you cannot afford to pay one. Immigration proceedings, however, are considered to be administrative proceedings rather than criminal proceedings. As such, although you do have the right to be represented by an attorney, no attorney will be provided to you if you cannot afford to pay one yourself. In this case, you will have to represent yourself.
Expedited Removal Proceedings
Unfortunately, depending on your circumstances you might not make it as far as an immigration court. Under “expedited removal” procedures, you can be deported from the United States by a low-level immigration officer without a hearing or any other appearance in immigration court. This may happen if you:
- Arrive at the border without proper documentation (a valid passport, or example;
- Arrive without inspection and are apprehended within 14 days of your arrival within 100 miles of the border with either Mexico or Canada.
Since expedited removal has been increasing in recent years, especially since the limitation of Chicago Immigration Court operations during the Covid-19 crisis, you may or may not get your “day in court.”
Contact your immigration lawyer in Chicago, Illinois should you have any questions and read more information about immigration in Chicago now.
Following is a small sample of some of the nonprofit organizations in the Columbus area that are dedicated to assist immigrants, refugees and asylees:
Avanza Together
Avanza Together helps fight deportation proceedings against immigrants with no criminal record, with a particularly strong emphasis on preventing families from being torn apart through deportation.
It employs an advocate to help families navigate their way through deportation/removal proceedings by helping with transportation, offering interpretation services, advocating on behalf of these families, and providing social service resource referrals. Other services provided by Avanza Together include:
- Raising legal defense funds;
- Offering seminars that advise immigrants of their legal rights; and
- Organizing community-building opportunities among the Columbus immigrant community
The Columbus Literacy Council (CLC)
The Columbus Literacy Council (CLC) Many, if not most immigrants arrive in Columbus with only a rudimentary or even a non-existent knowledge of the English language. Even Spanish is not spoken or used as often in Columbus as it is in many other cities of the same size or larger.
The CLC offers free literacy classes for adults including English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses, citizenship courses (because a rudimentary knowledge of English is required for citizenship and even Spanish classes.
Ethiopian Tewahedo Social Services (ETSS)
Ethiopian Tewahedo Social Services (ETSS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, founded in 2000 and originally dedicated to serving Ethiopian immigrants. It now assists immigrants from dozens of countries with a variety of matters that frequently challenge new arrivals to Columbus.
ETSS programs assist with integration into the wider Columbus immigrant community and provide services such as:
- Education assistance and academic skills training;
- After-school tutoring;
- Job training and placement;
- health care referrals (including mental health);
- Family matters;
- ESL training;
Staff members speak over 30 languages, and ETSS maintains over a dozen locations throughout the Columbus area.
Fugees Academy Columbus
Fugees Academy Columbus is a private, non-profit academy that provides full-time schooling for refugee children from 6th grade to 12th grade.
It was founded by Luma Mufleh, the daughter of Syrian refugees. All Fugees Academy students are refugees — in fact, it is the only school in the United States that can make this boast. The school maintains campuses in Columbus, Cleveland, and Clarkston, Georgia (near Atlanta).
Tuition is free of charge, and the results have been spectacular — a 100 percent college enrollment rate so far.
Fugees Academy has also won a Renewal Award, given out by the Renewal Project to only 10 schools out of 3,000 candidates. Additionally, since Fugees Academy started out as an after-school soccer program in 2006, and it still maintains a strong emphasis on athletics.
Muslim Family Services (MFS) of Ohio
Muslim Family Services (MFS) of Ohio serves the various needs of Columbus’s Muslim immigrant community. Its stated mission is to “empower families to lead self-sufficient and self-fulfilling lives…” It is to this end that MFS directs the wide variety of services that it offers.
MFS provides the following services, among others:
- Financial assistance with basic needs;
- Mediation and conflict resolution;
- Resettlement support;
- Assistance with document preparation, including immigration-related documents;
- English language training;
- Job skills training;
- Funeral services; and
- Various other services.
The Bridge
The Bridge is dedicated to serving the needs of refugees and homeless people. Their services include:
- Preparation for naturalization and citizenship;
- Tutoring grades 2 to 12;
- Hosting a food pantry and a soup kitchen;
- Sponsoring a free legal clinic;
- Hosting recovery groups; and
- Other activities
Contact your immigration lawyer in Columbus, Ohio should you have any questions and read more information about immigration in Columbus now.
If you are seeking permanent residence in the United States, you will be required to submit to a medical examination to prove that there is no medical reason to deny your green card application — a serious communicable disease, for example. Please note, however, that your green card application will not be denied simply due to a positive HIV test.
Not just any doctor will do, however — only a doctor licensed as a “designated civil surgeon” by the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) will be acceptable to the USCIS. The USCIS maintains a list of designated civil surgeons all over the world, including Chicago, which you can access using their “Find a Doctor” web page”. You will need to make an appointment and pay a fee of somewhere between $300 and $400 for the exam.
USCIS-approved Doctors and Clinics in Chicago
Dr. Nicholas G. Apostolopoulos
Nicholas G. Apostolopoulos practices family medicine in Chicago. He enjoys over 20 years of experience practicing medicine.
Address: 811 S. State St., Suite B
Telephone: (312) 566-9810
Dr. Jonathan Baktari
Jonathan Baktari specializes in internal medicine, pulmonary and critical care medicine, and he has accumulated over two decades of experience. He has also served on the faculty at medical schools at the University of Nevada and Touro University.
Address: 29 East Madison Street, Suite 1640, Chicago
Telephone: (312) 997-5522
Dr. Shirley A, Conibear
Shirley A. Conibear practices preventative medicine in Chicago. She has over 20 years of experience practicing medicine
Address: 300 W. Adams Street, Suite 1200, Chicago
Telephone: (312) 762-2959
Dr. Julia A. Dyer
Dr. Julia A Dyer specializes in gastroenterology and has been practicing medicine for over four decades. She is affiliated with several local hospitals, including Thorek Memorial Hospital.
Address: 850 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago
Telephone: (773) 388-1100
Dr. Stephen Epner
Nancy Youssef earned degrees in both medicine and chemical engineering, She currently practices family medicine and urgent care medicine.
Address: 4211 N Cicero Ave, Chicago
Telephone: (312) (312) 702-0793.
Dr. Virginia A. Evans
Virginia A. Evans is an emergency medicine physician in Chicago, Illinois. She has been in practice for more than 20 years.
Address: 835 S Wolcott Ave # E270, Chicago
Telephone: (312) 702-0793
Dr. Scott M. Morcott
Scott M. Morcott is a family medicine doctor who is associated with several hospitals in the Lake Bluff area. He has been practicing medicine for over two decades
Address: 30 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 629, Chicago.
Telephone: (312) 641-6228.
Dr. Robert Rosen
Dr. Robert Rosen practices general surgery, especially laparoscopic surgery, hernia repair, and bowel and colon resections. He has been practicing in Chicago since 1988.
Address: 5747 Dempster St STE 100, Morton Grove, IL 60053, United States
Telephone: (312) 997-5522
Dr. Sanjay Sinha
Sanjay Sinha practices urgent care medicine in Chicago. He enjoys over 12 years of experience as a doctor.
Address: 600 W. Adams St., Chicago
Telephone: (312) 506-0900
Dr. Akavut Suesakul
Akavut Suesakul specializes in geriatric medicine and is affiliated with Thorek Memorial Hospital.
Address: 730 South Dearborn St., Chicago
Telephone: (312) 588-1104
Dr. Mark Vexelman
Mark Vexelman specializes in geriatric medicine and internal medicine. He enjoys over 30 years of experience.
Address: 2900 North Lake Shore Drive, Suite 1215, Chicago
Telephone: (312) 702-7093
When You’re Finished With the Exam
Once you complete your medical examination, you will be given a sealed envelope containing a completed USCIS Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record. Do not open or unseal the envelope. Due to the possibility of tampering, your medical examination will be considered invalid if the seal is broken, and you will have to start the process all over again.
Contact your immigration lawyer in Chicago, Illinois should you have any questions and read more information about immigration in Chicago now.