TN Visa for Nutritionists

ATN visa is designed to allow certain professionals from Canada and Mexico – NAFTA professionals who can seek employment in the United States under The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

This article will explain how Nutritionists from Canada and Mexico can apply for a TN nonimmigrant visa.

The complete list of NAFTA professions you can find here.

Regulations concerning this profession do not fall under the TN visa regulations but can be in the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) issued by the U.S. Department of Labor. According to OOH, nutritionists are food, and nutrition experts focused on achieving the client’s health goals and living a healthy lifestyle. They accomplish this by creating healthy meal programs. The general job duties of a nutritionist are:

  1. Get familiar with a person’s health condition and needs,
  2. Inform clients about nutrition and healthy food choices,
  3. Create nutrition and meal plans, adjust and modify them as needed, and under the financial possibilities of a client,
  4. Counseling about food impacts on health, promoting benefits of healthy diet and nutrition, pointing out the connection between healthy lifestyles and preventing or managing diseases
  5. Produce materials to educate about good eating habits
  6. Conduct science researches in the field of food and nutrition and be up to date with innovation in this area
  7. Monitor and record clients progress

It is necessary to have one of the following educational requirements to be eligible to obtain a TN visa as a Nutritionist:

  1. Bachelor’s degree or
  2. Licenciatura degree.

Guidance for the degree requirement is also in the OOH. The degree typically has to be in dietetics, foods, and nutrition or a closely related field.
Some states additionally require an advanced degree, license, which can be obtained by attending and completing a supervised internship and passing an exam.

Petitioner has to be able to submit proof that educational requirements are fulfilled.

There are two types of nutritionist specialties:

  1. Clinical nutritionists – They work in hospitals and other medical institutions on creating nutrition therapies for disease patients and residents.
  2. Community nutritionists – They work with people in communities or schools by counseling and creating nutrition programs through different agencies and public health clinics.

Additional requirements that TN nonimmigrants have to submit are:

  1. Proof of Mexican or Canadian citizenship (passport);
  2. A proof of the job offer written as the letter of support by the employer, with all job details;
  3. A proof that a nonimmigrant does not intend to stay in the U.S. after the TN visa expires.

How to seek admission as a TN nonimmigrant?

Canadian citizens should apply with all required documentation to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer at the U.S. Port of Entry since they are not required to obtain a visa first. It is also possible to apply at a pre-flight inspection or an airport after arriving in the United States. The decision is made immediately.

On the other hand, Mexican citizens should apply at the U.S. embassy or consulate in Mexico. After the TN visa is approved, they can seek admission at the U.S. Port of Entry.

Both Canadian and Mexican citizens can file the online I-129 petition with USCIS.