Client: An Eastern Orthodox Church in Cleveland, Ohio
Client’s Country of Origin: Belarus
Case Type: I-824 Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition
Date of Application: December 8, 1997
Date of Approval: December 8, 1997

A well-run Orthodox church had already retained Herman Legal Group to secure status for an outstanding Father. However, after the grant of the Father’s status to the church, the Father still did not receive a visa for entry into the United States. The church desperately needed the Father. Therefore, we filed an I-824 Application for Action on Approved Application or Petition to expedite the Father’s arrival in the United States.

Sometimes, communication between the domestic agencies and the overseas consulate (or embassies) may be discrete. That is, as to status or benefits, overseas consulates may either receive notice too late or need to be reminded again of a particular case’s urgency. We, therefore, filed this particular application to make certain that what should have already happened for our client actually occurred.

We helped our client prove that:

  1. Its Father had an approved petition, and;
  2. Circumstances within the church and in Belarus required expedited processing.

On the same day of receipt, our client’s choice Father received a visa from the U.S. consulate.