Client: Adult Female U.S. Citizen, Securing Immigration Status for Her Brother
Client’s Country of Origin: Ukraine
Case Type: I-130 Petition for Alien Relatives (Brother)
Date of Initial Approval: November 13, 2003
Date of Application for Reinstatement: July 10, 2014
Date of Reinstatement: September 10, 2014
Our client retained Herman Legal Group’s immigration lawyers in Cleveland to secure immigration status for her brother who was a Ukrainian citizen. Though her brother was an eligible relative, something else complicated the case.
A previously-approved I-130 petition of alien relatives lost effect due to the demise of sponsor. Thus, her brother lost his status. It just happened so the timing of losing status triggered a bar or difficult technicality, a rare type of case.
Herman Legal Group helped our client prove that her petition should be reinstated for humanitarian reasons because both she and her brother were the few close relatives left in old age and lived through the harsh days of the Cold war. Namely, we helped our client present this relative immigration case as a crisis of its own kind – one that a simple reinstatement could solve.
Fortunately, the best outcome occurred. The case was approved based on humanitarian concerns beyond the four corners of each page of written law.